
The Original Sheepherder Bread® 1938 was introduced to the Owens Valley during the California Gold Rush by immigrant Basque sheepherders who missed the bread of their homeland. They shaped loaves of their traditional bread by hand, used stone ovens for baking, and produced the first sheepherder bread. Even today we shape the loaves by hand and bake in the finest European Stone Hearth Ovens. The Original Sheepherder Bread® 1938, as well as all other delicious products, are made of only the purest ingredients: Well water from the Sierra, stone ground unbleached flour, and never any chemicals.

Just like our bread, our pastries are made with only the finest ingredients. Real butter, grade AA eggs, unbleached flour, cane sugar, and artesian well water. We go to the growers to inspect and purchase our almond paste, pecans, and walnuts. Please enjoy our high quality product


763 N. Main St. Bishop CA 93514

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